The $38,000 Question - Part One - Sedans

By: Anthony Fongaro Original Post: Take a look at this number: 38,000. While it seems like a random number, it’s actually quite important in the automotive industry. $38,000 is the average price of a new car in 2020. Unsurprisingly, the average price of a new car increases yearly. Looking at the increasing average shows how purchasing power and manufacturer prices influence what we buy. Although we are looking at the new car price average, there are many great vehicles that can be bought for well under $38,000. Since there are many kinds of vehicles on sale, let’s take a look at those four-door cars we call sedans. Starting off with this series, what can you buy new for $38,000? Let’s take a look at vehicles that start near $38,000 along with cars that can get near or slightly above the average. First, some of the sedans that start near the average price. Looking at the top three luxury German brands...